Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Wrong Side of the Camera

It seems that I have gotten so used to being behind the camera that I sometimes forget to get in front of it. I was needing a new picture for my website and my friend Matt volunteered to take them for me. Since Andrew was out of school on Monday, he got to tag along and be in some of the photos. He had a blast playing with my new D200. It took him about 5 minutes to burn up the batteries and nearly fill up a card. I had the shutter set on continuous, which means that once he found it, all we heard was cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-ick! Anyway, here are some of my favorites from our session:

My new website photo

He finally figured out how it works!

This is going on my black and white wall

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